Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ford Marketing Plan - 11940 Words

Ford Marketing Plan 2013 — Document Transcript * 1. 2013 Ford Edge Hybrid Jacquelyn Giardina, Chief Marketing Officer Chris Mowbray, VP Product Development Marjaun Bakhtiari, VP MKT Development Nicole Solano, Brand Manager Christina Keast, Director of Existing Research Elle How, Director of New Market Research MKT419 Professor Barretti Marketing Plan * 2. Table of Contents * 3. Executive Summary Page 1 Introduction Page X Company Description Page X Ford’s Values Page X Ford Today Page X Strategic Focus and Plan Page X Mission Page X One Team Page X One Plan Page X One Goal Page X Vision Page X Goals Page X Nonfinancial Page X Financial Page X Core Competencies Page X Situational Analysis Page X The Situational Analysis Page X†¦show more content†¦Page 4 Own Working Together †¢ Believe in skilled and motivated people working together †¢ Include everyone; respect, listen to, help and appreciate others †¢ Build strong relationships; be a team player ; develop ourselves and others †¢ Communicate clearly, concisely and candidly Role Model Ford Values †¢ Show initiative, courage, integrity and good corporate citizenship †¢ Improve quality, safety and sustainability †¢ Have a can do, find a way attitude and emotional resilience †¢ Enjoy the journey and each other; have fun – never at others’ expense Deliver Results †¢ Deal positively with our business realities; develop compelling and comprehensive plans, while keeping an enterprise view †¢ Set high expectations and inspire others †¢ Make sound decisions using facts and data †¢ Hold ourselves and others responsible and accountable for delivering results and satisfying our customers Goals For the 2013 Edge Hybrid, Ford strives toShow MoreRelatedFord Hybrid Marketing Plan8538 Words   |  35 Pagesof helping the Vrohidis-Hatzis Ford dealership find ways to sell green cars in Greece to gain a competitive advantage in the auto mobile market. 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